How inboxAds Works


This is how inboxAds helps you maximize
revenue from your email newsletters
with programmatic native ads.

Learn More
Higher Revenue

With inboxAds you monetize
your newsletter programmatically

while keeping the user experience native.

See examples of what monetized
newsletters looks like.


Revenue Calculator

Discover how much your business
can earn by monetizing your email newsletters.

Newsletter Domain: Number of Emails Sent:
Day Month
Open Rate:
% (Percentage)
Estimated Revenue:
(based on publisher’s average performance)
+ 5% Bonus
Get in touch with our sales team today to claim your extra bonus!
The bonus is yours. We'll get back
to you shortly.

Compare inboxAds with your current
email strategy below.

Sending newsletters the
old-fashioned way

Send out your newsletter
to subscribers with no extras.
Your subscribers read
and usually delete.

Some revenue

Sending newsletters
with inboxAds

Include ads specially selected for
your customers' needs FOR FREE
in your emails.
Your recipients enjoy
a native experience,
with ads delivered for
their specific needs.
Intelligent Distribution
AI-curated programmatic ads
engage your customers with
products and services aligned with
your brand.

Best possible revenue

Programmatic email monetization made easy

Native ads

Appear like headlines leading to various articles without disrupting the user experience. Another advantage is that they are more informative as opposed to promotional advertising.

Programmatic ads

Target users through algorithms that sift through data, such as demographics, geolocation, and online behavior.

How Newsletter Publishers
Built Revenue with Us


Inedit Agency grows revenue by 35% right from the first month of usage after partnering with inboxAds


Our email marketing campaigns are the core of our business. To fine-tune their efficiency, we put our trust in inboxAds and could not have been more pleased with the decision. Their creative approach and professionalism made a significant difference in our campaigns, helping us increase productivity and revenue by 35% in quite a short time.


Managing Partner, Inedit Agency

Read the Full Story

We help people lead healthier lives. The programmatic email ads from inboxAds provide our subscribers with additional resources that complement our own. Partnering with inboxAds has not only helped us increase our monthly revenue, but it has also strengthened our relationship with our customers. For us, that's priceless!


Marketing Director, Wellness Captain


Wellness Captain builds a new, recurring revenue stream by adding email monetization

Happy Publishers

The Email Monetization Platform for every business,
regardless of size.

Users love this email monetization platform that pumps out profit for every business, regardless of size.

Start Monetizing

Ready to Get Started?

Get in touch with the inboxAds team and put our email
monetization platform to work for your business.
Start generating extra revenue today!